Bilateral diffuse lung uptake of In-ill pentetreotide (OCT) was observed du
ring a whole-body scan performed in a 68-year-old woman with Gushing's synd
rome and suspected ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion. A few day
s later, she was found to have bilateral bacterial pneumonia (of mixed anae
robic origin). Gushing's syndrome was finally proved to be of pituitary ori
gin. The OCT lung uptake in pneumonia probably resulted from tracer binding
by somatostatin receptors on the inflammatory leukocytes. Although the rap
id wash-out from experimentally induced abscesses does not make OCT a suita
ble tracer for detecting acute infections, the images and data here reporte
d suggest that infectious lung disease should be excluded before diagnosing
lung involvement by neuroendocrine tumors.