Cirrhosis represents the end stage of any chronic liver disease. Two major
syndromes result from cirrhosis: portal hypertension and hepatic insufficie
ncy, Additionally, vasodilatation and the hyperdynamic circulation are hemo
dynamic abnormalities typical of cirrhosis and portal hypertension, Complic
ations of cirrhosis occur as a consequence of a combination of these factor
s. Gastroesophageal varices result almost solely from portal hypertension.
although the hyperdynamic circulation contributes to variceal growth and he
morrhage. Ascites results from sinusoidal hypertension and sodium retention
, which is, in turn, secondary to vasodilatation and activation of neurohum
oral systems. Hyponatremia and the hepatorenal syndrome result from water r
etention and renal vasoconstriction, respectively, both of which are also c
onsequences of peripheral vasodilatation. Vasodilatation that occurs in the
pulmonary circulation leads to the hepatopulmonary syndrome. Another compl
ication of cirrhosis, portosystemic encephalopathy, is a consequence of bot
h portal hypertension (shunting of blood through portosystemic collaterals)
and hepatic insufficiency. This paper reviews the recent advances in the p
athophysiology and management of the complications of cirrhosis and portal
hypertension. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.