Severe hepatitis A infection is an infrequent but well-recognized cause of
acute liver failure that can now be effectively prevented with vaccination
against hepatitis A virus. Bromfenac and troglitazone hepatotoxicity as wel
l as various herbal remedies are some of the newly identified causes of acu
te liver failure. The recently identified transfusion-transmitted virus has
been implicated in some cases of idiopathic acute liver failure whereas he
patitis G virus does not appear to be a causative agent. Recognizing, monit
oring, and treating patients with life-threatening cerebral edema remain cr
itically important but difficult aspects of the clinical care of acute live
r failure. Hypothermia and N-acetylcysteine are promising experimental appr
oaches to cerebral edema but emergency liver transplantation is the only pr
oven means of improving patient survival. Although recent changes in organ
allocation may reduce waiting time to transplantation, more reliable and va
lidated markers of liver regeneration and prognosis are needed to triage pa
tients, The potential application and limitations of novel technologies inc
luding bioartificial liver devices and auxiliary liver transplantation cont
inue to evolve from pioneering work in animal models and human subjects. (C
) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.