Principal Component and other statistical analyses of chemical and mineralo
gical data of Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide crusts and their underlying rock substrate
s in the central Pacific indicate that substrate rocks do not influence cru
st composition. Two ridges near Johnston Atoll were dredged repetitively an
d up to seven substrate rock types were recovered from small areas of simil
ar water depths. Crusts were analyzed mineralogically and chemically for 24
elements, and substrates were analyzed mineralogically and chemically for
the 10 major oxides. Compositions of crusts on phosphatized substrates are
distinctly different from crusts on substrates containing no phosphorite. H
owever, that relationship only indicates that the episodes of phosphatizati
on that mineralized the substrate rocks also mineralized the crusts that gr
ew on them. A two-fold increase in copper contents in crusts that grew on p
hosphatized elastic substrate rocks, relative to crusts on other substrate
rock types, is also associated with phosphatization and must have resulted
from chemical reorganization during diagenesis. Phosphatized crusts show in
creases in Sr, Zn, Ca, Ba, Cu, Ce, V, and Mo contents and decreases in Fe,
Si, and As contents relative to non-phosphatized crusts. Our statistical re
sults support previous studies which shovel that crust compositions reflect
predominantly direct precipitation from seawater (hydrogenetic), and to le
sser extents reflect detrital input and diagenetic replacement of parts of
the older crust generation by carbonate fluorapatite. (C) 1999 Elsevier Sci
ence Ltd. All rights reserved.