BACKGROUND. Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an uncommon necrotising, non-infec
tive ulceration of the skin. The management of PG is aimed at limiting tiss
ue destruction, promoting the healing of the wound, and providing an accept
able cosmetic result. However, skin grafting is normally avoided because of
the potential risk of pathergy-the localization of skin damaged by trauma.
REPORT. We describe the use of split skin grafts in the management of ulcer
ative pyoderma gangrenosum in 4 patients.
RESULTS. Our cases demonstrate that split skin grafts are a useful treatmen
t modality in patients with ulcerative PG, producing a good cosmetic result
. One case illustrates the importance of ensuring the disease is quiescent
prior to grafting, to avoid pathergy. The other cases emphasise the need fo
r prolonged immunosuppressive therapy to minimise the chance of reactivatio
n of the disease process.
CONCLUSION. Our preliminary experience of 4 cases of ulcerative PG indicate
s that split skin grafts have a role to play in its management. The ultimat
e cosmetic result is considered to be superior to allowing the wound to hea
l by secondary intention. To limit the risk of pathergy developing, our exp
erience suggests a role for prolonged courses of immunosuppressive therapy.
The most effective dose and duration of immunosuppressive therapy in patie
nts with PG treated with split skin grafts remains to be determined. A cont
rolled study would be of benefit to compare it with other current treatment