A natural mass infection of heterophyid metacercariae in aquacultured Japan
ese eel Anguilla japonica in Taiwan was observed. Of the 28 000 adult eels
in 2 ponds, about 25 000 (90 %) showed swollen, cloudy and white eyes. Alth
ough morbidity was about 90%, there was no mortality among the affected eel
s. Histopathological sections showed edema and hemorrhage of the eye. Numer
ous metacercariae were observed in the muscle tissues around the eyeball, t
he subcutaneous tissue and even in the cartilage. Of the 6 eels digested wi
th artificial gastric juice, all were found to contain metacercariae in the
ir muscle tissues.-The average number of metacercariae recovered from the 6
eels was 1219, with a range of 50 to 3762. These metacercariae, when fed o
rally to immunodeficient (scid) mice, developed into adult worms which were
identified as Procerovum cheni Hsu 1950. The naturally infected eels were
transferred to a new pond without snails and their eye lesions were not app
arent anymore after 2 wk. In a follow-up investigation, 19 of 20 apparently
healthy eels in a nearby aquaculture farm were found to harbour metacercar
iae in their muscles. However, the number of the metacercariae ranged from
1 to 14, with an average of 4.21. This is the first report of heterophyid m
etacercariae causing mass morbidity iri aquacultured eels.