Geomagnetic paleointensity measurements from sedimentary records can be sev
erely affected by viscous remanent magnetization (VRM). We present a method
for determining varying amounts of long-term VRM acquired during the prese
nt polarity interval, using the typically non-linear relationship between a
cquisition of artificial magnetization and demagnetization of NRM. The non-
linear parts are to be avoided for paleointensity determinations, but here
we focus on their use for indicators of long-relaxation time VRM. The metho
d, which does not require determining paleointensity values, suggests corre
lations with paleoclimate curves and age-dependent growth of VRM. Furthermo
re, it appears that the long-tau VRM acquired during the Pleistocene is acc
ompanied by short-tau effects detected in the laboratory environment. (C) 1
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