The role of hormones in ischemic heart disease is of considerable interest,
but limited data are available pertaining to risk factors associated with
endogenous hormones. We examined the association between menstrual and repr
oductive factors and ischemic heart disease in a cohort of 867 white, colle
ge-educated women who prospectively recorded menstrual cycle data for at le
ast 5 years from their early 20s through their menopause. Ischemic heart di
sease history was obtained from a self-administered (N = 714) or proxy-admi
nistered (N = 153) questionnaire completed at a mean age of 73 years. The a
nalysis included 44,899 person-years of follow-up and 45 cases of myocardia
l infarction, angioplasty, heart bypass surgery, or ischemic heart disease-
related mortality. Ischemic heart disease risk decreased with increasing ag
e at menarche (age-adjusted RR 0.76 per year, 95% CI = 0.60-0.95). Consider
ing menstrual cycle characteristics ages 28-32, there was little overall as
sociation with length, variability, or bleeding duration. Ischemic heart di
sease risk increased with later age at first birth (age adjusted RR 2.90 fo
r ages 33-43 compared with 25-29) and later age at last birth (age adjusted
RR 3.79 for ages greater than or equal to 40 compared with 35-39), but the
re was little association with high parity.