In this study we investigated the prognostic significance of differentiatio
n, the mode of tumor invasion to surrounding tissues, the microscopic appea
rance of tumor, peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration and cartilage involvem
ent according to disease-free survival, and the recurrence and presence of
cervical lymph node metastasis in cancer of the larynx. Only the mode of tu
mor invasion to surrounding tissues was significantly related to survival (
P < 0.05). The patients with "well-defined margin" tumors survive significa
ntly longer than those with "groups of cells, no distinct margin." Patients
with supraglottic tumors and a mode of invasion ol:her than "well-defined
margin" have a significantly higher risk of recurrence (P < 0.05) and there
fore require adjuvant therapy. Patients with poorly differentiated, cartila
ge invading, ulcerative supraglottic tumors, and patients with glottic tumo
rs having diffusely infiltrating margins, certainly need elective neck diss
ection (P < 0.05). According to the multivariant analysis, none of the fact
ors significantly affect disease-free survival independently (P > 0.15). Ac
cording to multiple logistic regression and cox regression analysis, in dec
reasing order of significance, the mode of invasion, microscopic tumor appe
arance and:lymphocytic infiltration significantly affect the recurrence and
time between surgery and the development of recurrence independently (P <