A statewide mail survey of Virginia's wood products manufacturers was condu
cted to quantify the generation and consumption of wood residues in Virgini
a. A total of 266 wood products manufacturers responded to the study. They
provided information on the generation, consumption, markets, income or dis
posal costs, and disposal methods of wood residues. Hardwood and pine sawmi
lls generate approximately 66 percent of Virginia's wood residues. Virginia
's wood products manufacturers generate three primary residues: chips, bark
, and sawdust. These three residues comprised nearly 83 percent of Virginia
's total residue generation in 1996. Approximately 197,400 tons or 6 percen
t of Virginia's wood residues appear not to have adequate markets. Furtherm
ore, we estimate that primary manufacturers have approximately 267,000 tons
of wood residues and secondary manufacturers have nearly 127,000 tons of w
ood residues without adequate markets in 1996.