The MHC molecules have been historically perceived as transplantation antig
ens, though it is now recognized that their primary, if not sole, role is i
n eliminating parasites and in surveillance and clearance of aberrant self.
Indeed, pregnancy in mammals would represent the closest to a natural tran
splantation process that occurs in vertebrates. However, among the immediat
e ancestors to the vertebrates, natural intraspecific allorecognition proce
sses are common. Among members of the colonial tunicate Botryllus schlosser
i, true individuals that share a single allele of the highly polymorphic fu
sibility/histocompatibility (Fu/HC) locus are able to fuse with one another
Could this Fu/HC be related to the MHC such that the MHC really did have i
ts origins as a transplantation antigen?
Presently we review the genetics and biology of natural transplantation pro
cesses in colonial tunicates, comparing it with allorecognition as mediated
through the vertebrate T-cell receptor, killer cell inhibitory receptor/Ly
49, and MHC. Experimental approaches to determining if the molecules regula
ting allorecognition in tunicates have any ancestral relationship to the ve
rtebrate MHC are discussed, as is a genomic approach to isolating novel med
iators of allorecognition. We also explore the biological basis for allorec
ognition in colonial tunicates and recent work that highlights the costs of
not maintaining a system for allorecognition.