To set an accurate chronological framework to the evolution of primate clas
s I and II genes in the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc), the rate of
silent nucleotide substitutions in exons and introns is examined for vario
us cDNA and genom sequences currently available. The rate is sensitive to t
he GC content and correlates negatively with increased GC biases at the thi
rd codon positions of Mhc genes. The intergenic recombination rate in the H
LA region is estimated from the synonymous nucleotide differences at 37 lin
ked loci. Any HLA subregion is recombined more or less at the ordinary rate
of 1 cM per 1 Mb, although the rate may be reduced in some subregions. Thi
s information is used to discuss HLA haplotypes when they are applied to st
udies of human demography. The unusual polymorphism in the alpha-helix of H
LA-DRB1 is also revisited in relation to intragenic recombination, but the
molecular mechanism and the evolutionary cause both remain enigmatic.