An experiment was conducted during wet season of 1992-94 to study the. effe
ct of 6 sowing methods and 3 seed rates, on growth and yields of rice (Oryr
a sativa L.) under flood-prone condition. Cross sowing at 20 cm spacing rec
orded the maximum panicles/m(2) (201) with the lowest weed dry weight (70 g
/ m(2)) and weed density (155/m(2)). It also recorded the maximum grain yie
ld (2.69 tonnes/ha), the increase being 6.2, 14.8 and 32.3% over line, pair
and broadcast sowing respectively. Crop sown with 120 kg seed/ha recorded
the maximum grain yield (2.86 tonnes/ha), followed by seed rate of 100 kg (
2.40 tonnes/ha) and 80 kg/ha (2.07 tonnes/ha). Interaction revealed that cr
oss sowing at 120 kg seed/ha gave the highest grain yield (3.09 tonnes/ha).