The demand for low residual iron sources to feed electric are furnaces prod
ucing high end carbon steels can be met by DRI and pig iron quite straightf
orwardly. The need for steel recycling, energy savings, and lower greenhous
e gas emissions requires, however, that the scrap resource be tapped even m
ore effectively than is done today. The quantity of obsolete scrap should c
ontinue to increase, due to past economic activity and to an increased coll
ecting rate, and the tools have been developed to ensure that the various m
aterials and steels grades mixed in manufactured goods can be unmixed and s
egregated in such a way that a sustainable recycling can be maintained in t
he longterm;this involves responsible management of the scrap resource, thr
ough compliance with quality standards, scrap pretreatment, scrap property
measurement and control in steel shops, and the proper expression of the tr
ue needs of the steel industry in terms of tramp element purity.