In the present study, the effects of gestation on various enzymes impl
icated in corticosteroid synthesis were evaluated in adrenal zona glom
erulosa and zona fasciculata-reticularis of the Sprague-Dawley rat. Th
e activity and expression of cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrom
e P450, 11 beta-hydroxylase cytochrome P450, and aldosterone synthase
cytochrome P450 (P450aldo) were analyzed. Plasma aldosterone levels we
re increased significantly at 22 days gestation (n = 10) and fell belo
w the nonpregnant levels at 18-36 h postpartum (n = 11). The activity
and expression of 11 beta-hydroxylase cytochrome P450 and cholesterol
side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 were not modified by gestation. P4
50aldo activity increased at 14 days gestation (n = 4) and returned to
the prepregnancy level at 2 weeks postpartum (n = 5). As shown by Nor
thern blot analysis (n = 3), P450aldo messenger RNA increased signific
antly at 22 days gestation and decreased 18-36 h postpartum. We clearl
y demonstrated that elevated plasma aldosterone levels during pregnanc
y are associated with augmented activity and messenger RNA levels of P
450aldo in the zona glomerulosa.