A bulk-flow model for calculation of the dynamic force characteristics in a
single cavity, multiple-pocket gas damper seal is presented. Flow turbulen
ce is accounted for by using turbulent shear stress parameters and Moody's
friction factors in the circumferential momentum equation. Zeroth-order-equ
ations describe the isothermal flow field for a centered seal, and first-or
der equations govern the perturbed flow for small amplitude rotor lateral m
otions. Comparisons to limited measurements from a four-pocket gas damper s
eal show the current model to predict well the mass flow rate and the direc
t damping coefficient. For a reference two-bladed teeth-on-stator labyrinth
seal, the current model predicts similar rotordynamic coefficients when co
mpared to results from a two control volume, bulk-flow model. Force coeffic
ients from a reference single-cavity, Sour pocket gas damper depend on the
rotor speed and pressure drop with magnitudes decreasing as the rotor whirl
frequency increases. The multiple-pocket gas damper seal provides substant
ially more damping than a conventional labyrinth seal of the same dimension
s. The damper seal cross-coupled stiffness coefficients are small though se
nsitive to the inlet circumferential preswirl flow.