The Mars Pathfinder mission used a unique capability to rapidly generate an
d interactively display three-dimensional (3-D) photorealistic virtual real
ity (VR) models of the Martian surface. An interactive terrain visualizatio
n system creates and renders digital terrain models produced from stereo im
ages taken by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) camera. The stereo pipel
ine, an automated machine vision algorithm, correlates features between the
left and right images to determine their disparity and computes the corres
ponding positions using the known camera geometry. These positions are conn
ected to form a polygonal mesh upon which IMP images are overlaid as textur
es. During the Pathfinder mission, VR models were produced and displayed al
most as fast as images were received. The VR models were viewed using MarsM
ap, an interface that allows the model to be viewed from any perspective dr
iven by a standard three-button computer mouse. MarsMap incorporates graphi
cal representations of the lander and rover and the sequence and spatial lo
cations at which rover data were taken. Graphical models of the rover were
placed in the model to indicate the rover position at the end of each day o
f the mission. Images taken by Sojourner cameras are projected into the mod
el as 2-D "billboards" to show their proper perspective. Distance and angle
measurements can be made on features viewed in the model using a mouse-dri
ven 3-D cursor and a point-and-click interface. MarsMap was used to assist
with archiving and planning Sojourner activities and to make detailed measu
rements of surface features such as wind streaks and rock size and orientat
ion that are difficult to perform using 2-D images. Superresolution image p
rocessing is a computational method for improving image resolution by a fac
tor of 1/2 by combining n independent images. This technique was used on Pa
thfinder to obtain better resolved images of Martian surface features. We s
how results from superresolving IMP camera images of six targets including
near- and far-field objects and discuss how the resolution improvement aids
interpretation. Similar flood deposits can be seen on both of the Twin Pea
ks that cannot be resolved in raw images. Millimeter-sized pits are resolve
d on the rocks Wedge and Halfdome. Other rocks at the Pathfinder site exhib
it fine-scale layering that is otherwise invisible. Use of the method resul
ted in the probable discovery of an artifact of intelligent life on Mars: a
part of the Pathfinder spacecraft.