Viral strategies for immune evasion include inhibition of various steps in
the class I MHC assembly pathway. Here,,ve demonstrate that adenovirus prod
uces one gene product with a dual function in this regard. It is well estab
lished that adenovirus E19 binds class I molecules and retains them in the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER), However, E19 also delays the expression of clas
s I alleles to which it cannot tightly bind. Here, we show that E19 binds T
AP and acts as a tapasin inhibitor, preventing class I/TAP association. Del
ta E19, an E19 mutant lacking the ER retention signal, delays maturation of
class I molecules, indicating that E19's inhibition of class I/TAP interac
tion is sufficient to delay class I expression. These data identify tapasin
inhibition as a novel mechanism of viral immune evasion and suggest that,
through this secondary mechanism, adenovirus can affect Ag presentation by
MHC alleles that it can only weakly affect by direct retention.