We examine a PPV derivative, viz. poly(2,5-dioctyloxy p-phenylene vinylene)
(DOO-PPV) in poor solution. The solubility of DOO-PPV in toluene solution
exhibits dramatic variation when cooled below room temperature. The fluores
cence exhibits a characteristic red-shift emission spectrum during the cool
ing process. This fluorescence spectrum and the accompanying red-shift abso
rption spectrum suggest that the polymer forms dimer-like aggregates in dil
ute poor solution. The reduction in solubility also introduces a quenching
effect. In comparing the photophysics of the film and the solutions, we can
see that the films are comprised of individual polymer and interchain aggr
egates, but the fluorescence exhibits only the behavior of aggregates. At l
ow temperature, additional light-emitting species result in spectral dynami
cs over several nanoseconds in the films. This indicates multiple emission
species in polymer films.