A windowed screen propagator is applied to poststack and prestack depth mig
rations. For complex structures with strong velocity contrasts, such as the
saltdome-related structures where the velocity of salt body is much higher
than that of the surrounding medium, the phase screen method or split-step
Fourier migration fails to give an accurate solution for wide propagation
angles due to the large velocity perturbations. To handle strong lateral ve
locity variations, the PSPI and the extended split step Fourier migration m
ethod with multiple reference velocities have been developed, but are costl
y since they require a Fourier transform for each reference velocity. By co
mbining the windowed Fourier transform and the interpolation technique toge
ther, the windowed screen propagator improves both the accuracy for imaging
steep reflectors and the computational efficiency. Comparisons with the ph
ase-screen migration method demonstrate the potential applicability of the
windowed method to subsalt structure imaging.