3,3'-Diethylthiadicarbocyanine (DiSC(2)(5)) is a symmetrical cationic cyani
ne dye consisting of two N-ethylated benzothiazole groups linked by a penta
methine bridge. Spectroscopic analysis indicates dimerization of the dye in
the presence of duplex DNA sequences consisting of alternating adenine/thy
mine (AIT) or inosine/cytosine (I/C) residues, based on the following obser
vations: (i) the absorption maximum shifts from 647 to 590 nm, (ii) exciton
splitting is observed in the induced circular dichroism spectrum, and (iii
) fluorescence from the dye is strongly quenched. Dimerization on I/C, but
not G/C sequences indicates that the cyanine dimers insert into the minor g
roove, a conclusion that is supported by viscometric analysis. Spectroscopi
c studies with short synthetic oligonucleotide duplexes demonstrate that di
merization is highly cooperative: binding of one dimer greatly facilitates
binding of a second dimer. For longer binding sites, this cooperativity lea
ds to the formation of extended helical cyanine dye aggregates consisting o
f dimers aligned in an end-to-end fashion within the minor groove of the DN
A. The DNA structure strictly controls the dimensions of the aggregate, per
mitting distinction between inter- and intradimer interactions.