A componentwise linear ideal is a graded ideal I of a polynomial ring such
that, for each degree q, the ideal generated by all homogeneous polynomials
of degree q belonging to I has a linear resolution. Examples of componentw
ise linear ideals include stable monomial ideals and Gotzmann ideals. The g
raded Betti numbers of a componentwise linear ideal can be determined by th
e graded Betti numbers of its components. Combinatorics on squarefree compo
nentwise linear ideals will be especially studied. It turns out that the St
anley-Reisner ideal I-Delta arising from a simplicial complex Delta is comp
onentwise linear if and only if the Alexander dual of a is sequentially Coh
en-Macaulay. This result generalizes the theorem by Eagon and Reiner which
says that the Stanley-Reisner ideal of a simplicial complex has a linear re
solution if and only if its Alexander dual is Cohen-Macaulay.