The p53 tumour suppressor is a transcription factor that regulates the prog
ression of the cell through its cycle and cell death (apoptosis) in respons
e to environmental stimuli such as DNA damage and hypoxia(1,2). Even though
p53 modulates these critical cellular processes, mice that lack p53 are de
velopmentally normal(3), suggesting that p53-related proteins might compens
ate for the functions of p53 during embryogenesis. Two p53 homologues, p63
and p73, are known(4,5) and here we describe the function of p63 in vivo. M
ice lacking p63 are born alive but have striking developmental defects. The
ir limbs are absent or truncated, defects that are caused by a failure of t
he apical ectodermal ridge to differentiate. The skin of p63-deficient mice
does not progress past an early developmental stage: it lacks stratificati
on and does not express differentiation markers. Structures dependent upon
epidermal-mesenchymal interactions during embryonic development, such as ha
ir follicles, teeth and mammary glands, are absent in p63-deficient mice. T
hus, in contrast to p53, p63 is essential for several aspects of ectodermal
differentiation during embryogenesis.