Capacity improvement and conditional penalties are two computational aides
for fathoming subproblems in a branch-and-bound procedure. In this paper, w
e apply these techniques to the fixed charge transportation problem (FCTP)
and show how relaxations of the FCTP subproblems can be posed as concave mi
nimization problems (rather than LP relaxations). Using the concave relaxat
ions, we propose a new conditional penalty and three new types of capacity
improvement techniques for the FCTP. Based on computational experiments usi
ng a standard set of FCTP test problems, the new capacity improvement and p
enalty techniques are responsible for a three-fold reduction in the CPU tim
e for the branch-and-bound algorithm and nearly a tenfold reduction In the
number of subproblems that need to be evaluated in the branch-and-bound enu
meration tree. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.