Objectives: 1) To determine the prevalence of pain, suffering, poor quality
of life, depression, and hopelessness in people with ALS, and the correlat
es of suffering and poor quality of life; 2) to analyze the relationship be
tween pain, suffering, quality of Life, and attitudes toward life-sustainin
g medical treatment and physician-assisted suicide; and 3) to determine con
cordance between patients with ALS and their caregivers in rating the patie
nts' pain, quality of life, and suffering. Methods: Subjects completed a si
ngle interview. We measured the subject's pain, quality of life, suffering,
hopelessness, depression, social support, perception of burden to others,
level of disability, desire for Life-sustaining medical treatment, and inte
rest in assisted suicide. Caregivers also rated the patient's quality of li
fe, pain, surd suffering. Results: A total of 100 subjects with ALS and 91
caregivers participated Suffering was rated as 4 or greater on a six-point
scale by 20% of subjects with ALS, and 19% rated their pain as 4 or greater
on a six-point scale. Eleven percent had clinical depression. Physicians f
requently failed to recognize and treat pain and depression. The correlates
of suffering were increasing pain, hopelessness, and level of disability.
The correlates of poor quality of life were poor social support and increas
ing hopelessness; The correlation between subjects' and caregivers' rating
of the patient's suffering was r = 0.47. There was no relationship between
subjects' ratings of pain, suffering, and quality of life, and their intere
st in Life-sustaining treatment or physician-assisted suicide. Conclusion:
Many patients with ALS suffer, and their suffering is correlated to pain an
d hopelessness. Physicians caring for patients with ALS frequently fail to
recognize and treat their patients' pain and depression.