OBJECTIVE: Bone morphogenetic proteins can serve as adjuncts to autologous
bone to achieve bony fusion, and recombinant BMPs such as osteogenic protei
n-1 (OP-1) have the potential to replace autologous bone altogether as fusi
on substrate. However, relatively little is known about the safety of OP-1
for spinal fusion procedures. This study examined the effects of OP-1 inten
tionally placed in the subarachnoid space following thecal sac decompressio
n, and used as graft substrate in a canine dorsolateral lumbar spine fusion
METHODS: Lumbar decompression with dorsolateral fusion was performed on 30
canines. The dura was opened to simulate an intraoperative rent and OP-1 wa
s placed in the subarachnoid space and in the fusion bed. Animals were sacr
ificed after 16 weeks and the spines were examined manually, radiographical
ly and pathologically.
RESULTS:. All animals treated with OP-1 developed new bone in the subarachn
oid space. This bone compressed the spinal cord, but no clinical or patholo
gical features of neurotoxicity were noted. Mild spinal stenosis was noted
at the site of dural decompression in the OP-1 treated animals. Over 80% of
animals treated with OP-1 developed fusion as assessed by palpation (52% b
y CT criteria), while only 25% of control animals fused.
CONCLUSIONS: Recombinant human OP-1 is effective at promoting fusion in a c
anine dorsolateral lumbar spine fusion model. However, bone growth can occu
r over exposed, decompressed dura, and it can form in the subdural and suba
rachnoid spaces. The use of OP-1 as an adjunct to spinal fusion appears to
have merit, but its use must be carefully controlled to avoid unwanted bone
formation and subsequent neural compression.