For a Haken 3-manifold M with incompressible boundary, we prove that the ma
pping class group H(M) acts properly discontinuously on a contractible simp
licial complex, with compact quotient. This implies that every torsionfree
subgroup of finite index in H (M) is geometrically finite. Also, a simplifi
ed proof of the fact that torsionfree subgroups of finite index in H (M) ex
ist is given. All results are given for mapping class groups that preserve
a boundary pattern in the sense of K. Johannson. As an application, we show
that if F is a nonempty compact 2-manifold in partial derivative M such th
at partial derivative M - F is incompressible, then the classifying space B
Diff (M rel F) of the diffeomorphism group of M relative to F has the homot
opy type of a finite aspherical complex.