For determination of the effective surface recombination velocity (SRV) at
the Si-SiO2 interface, a new method based on depth- and time-resolved free-
carrier absorption measurements is put forward. The proposed technique is m
ore advantageous than conventionally used methods and makes it possible to
obtain the SRV and its injection level dependence on a particular sample su
rface without additional knowledge of other silicon parameters. The experim
ental measurements have been performed on n-Si with polished facets and a c
leaved edge. All surfaces were covered by thermally grown SiO2. The result
is that the SRV increases with the injection level followed by saturation.
The computer simulation of the excess carrier decay has shown that, for pol
ished surfaces, the value of the SRV should be reduced in the high injectio
n region and not only does depend on the injected level, but also on the in
itial excitation It is proposed that temporal charging of the Si-SiO2 inter
face can be responsible for such behavior.