Analyzing power measurements for both inclusive ((p) over right arrow,p') a
nd exclusive ((p) over right arrow,2p) and ((p) over right arrow,np) quasif
ree scattering at 200 MeV from H-2 and C-12 have been completed in the angu
lar range from 27 degrees to 34 degrees. Previous experimental and theoreti
cal work has indicated non-negligible suppression of the inclusive (p',p')
analyzing powers with respect to impulse approximation calculations. Conver
sely, both suppression and enhancement of the isovector ((p) over right arr
ow,n) analyzing power data have been found depending on the mass number of
the target. Both nonrelativistic and fully relativistic calculations have s
ought to explain these features. However to address such questions within t
he inclusive data, it is important to fully understand the makeup of the in
clusive spectra. This ensures that any "nonconventional" aspects of the dat
a do not arise from contamination of the quasifree scattering yield. [S0556