Metallographic observations on the C-0.5Mo steel components in petroleum re
fineries and experimental studies revealed that unusual ferrite-pearlite st
ructures with quasi-M23Co carbides were more susceptible to hydrogen attack
than standard ferrite-bainite structures with M3C carbides. Post weld heat
treatments (PWHT) were found to promote methane bubble formation. In order
to explain these microstructural effects on hydrogen attack susceptibility
, thermal stability of carbides and the strength of interface between carbi
des and the matrix were examined.
C-0.5Mo steel specimens with varied microstructures were exposed to high pr
essure hydrogen, and the temperature dependence of the emitted methane conc
entration was measured with a gas chromatograph. The temperature at which m
ethane evolution took place and the changes in methane concentration with t
emperature were both unaffected by the microstructures, In low strain rate
tensile tests, void formation around carbide particles started at lower str
ain in a ferrite-pearlite microstructure with quasi-M23Co carbides than in
a ferrite-bainite microstructure with M3C carbides. Voids increased in numb
er more rapidly with strain in the former than the latter. After PWHT. void
s started to form at lon-er strain compared with before PWHT probably due t
o coarsening of carbides.
Therefore, it can be concluded that hydrogen attach in C-0.5 Mo steels is n
ot governed but stability of carbides but by the difference in total area o
f methane formation site between the two.