Central pulmonary embolism represents one of the most threatening complicat
ions in surgical patients. In most cases deep vein thrombosis of the lower
extremities is the source of emboli. Despite the introduction of hypocoagul
ative drugs in standard surgical concepts the incidence of deep vein thromb
osis remains about 10% in trauma patients. Estimated numbers of unknown cas
es of pulmonary embolism are supposed to be rather high too. In haemodynami
cally symptomatic pulmonary embolism events and especially when the patient
has to be reanimated, mortality rates of up to 93% are reported in literat
ure. After introduction of the heart- and lung-machine in the surgical conc
ept of therapy, survival rates have increased significantly. We report on t
hree cases of successful surgical embolectomy after CPR. In a review of lit
erature current concepts of treatment in central pulmonary embolism are dis