The Marine Meteorology Division of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), ass
isted by the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, has perfo
rmed global and mesoscale reanalyses to support the study of Gulf War illne
ss. Realistic and quantitatively accurate atmospheric conditions are needed
to drive dispersion models that can predict the transport and dispersion o
f chemical agents that may have affected U.S. and other coalition troops in
the hours and days following the demolition of chemical weapons at Khamisi
yah, Iraq, at approximately 1315 UTC 10 March 1991. The reanalysis was cond
ucted with the navy's global and mesoscale analysis and prediction systems:
the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System and the NRL Coup
led Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System. A comprehensive set of ob
servations has been collected and used in the reanalysis, including unclass
ified and declassified surface reports, ship and buoy reports, observations
from pibal and rawinsonde, and retrievals from civilian and military satel
lites. The atmospheric conditions for the entire globe have been reconstruc
ted using the global system at the effective spatial resolution of 0.75 deg
rees. The atmospheric conditions over southern Iraq, Kuwait, and northern S
audi Arabia have been reconstructed using the mesoscale system at the spati
al resolutions of 45, 15, and 5 km. In addition to a baseline reanalysis, p
erturbation analyses were also performed to estimate the atmospheric sensit
ivity to observational error and analysis error. The results suggest that t
he reanalysis has bounded the variability and that the actual atmospheric c
onditions were unlikely to differ significantly from the reanalysis.
The synoptic conditions at and after the time of the detonation were typica
l of the transitional period after a Shamal and controlled by eastward-prop
agating small-amplitude troughs and ridges. On the mesoscale, the condition
s over the Tigris-Euphrates Valley were further modulated by the diurnal va
riation in the local circulations between land, the Persian Gulf, and the Z
agros Mountains. The boundary layer winds at Khamisiyah were from NNW at th
e time of the detonation and shifted to WNW in the nocturnal boundary layer
. On the second day, a strong high passed north of Khamisiyah and the winds
strengthened and turned to the ESE. During the third day, the region was d
ominated by the approach and passage of a low pressure system and the assoc
iated front with the SE winds veering to NW.
A transport model for passive scalars was used to illustrate the sensitivit
y to the reanalyzed fields of potential areas of contamination. Transport c
alculations based on various release scenario and reanalyzed meteorological
conditions suggest that the mean path of the released chemical agents was
southward from Khamisiyah initially, turning westward, and eventually north
westward during the 72-h period after the demolition. Precipitation amounts
in the study area were negligible and unlikely to have an effect on the ne
rve agent.