Dry deposition of ozone and reactive nitrogen species, such as NO, NO2
, NO3, N2O5, HNO3, NH3 and NH4NO3, is examined in the context of numer
ical methods. These methods are based on the generally accepted microm
eteorological ideas of the transfer of momentum, sensible heat, and ma
tter near the Earth's surface, where chemical reactions among these tr
ace species are considered. The fluxes in the turbulent region of the
atmospheric surface layer are parameterized by first-order closure pri
nciples. The uptake processes by vegetation and the soil are described
by a Deardorff-type soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme. As in
the case of HNO3 and NH3 the resistance of the system vegetation-soil
against uptake of matter seems to be of minor importance, parameteriz
ation approaches for the more important transfer resistances of the in
terfacial sublayer adjacent to the surface are evaluated. The model re
sults show that especially the dry deposition fluxes of reactive nitro
gen species are not only influenced by micrometeorological and plant-p
hysiological parameters, but also strongly affected by chemical reacti
ons. In most cases, the fluxes of these trace constituents vary strong
ly with height and often show a change of direction. These flux result
s differ considerably from those derived with the constant flux approx
imation, sometimes up to several hundred percent. Thus, in such cases
the most widely used ''big leaf'' multiple resistance approach which i
s based on the constant flux approximation seems to be inappropriate f
or deriving dry deposition fluxes and deposition velocities of reactiv
e nitrogen species.