Between January and August 1996, 304 patients of the Department of General
and Abdominal Surgery of the University of Mainz who were at least 40 year
old, were interviewed about their breast cancer screening behavior. The aim
of our investigation was to evaluate the attitude of the target population
to breast screening and the value of breast palpation, completed with mamm
ography, during the women's treatment in hospital. 168 (55 %) of the interv
iewed women reported that they had a yearly clinical boast examination in t
he past. All patients underwent a clinical breast examination. 185 (60 %) d
id not have a mammography in the past or within the past 2 years. These wom
en were offered a mammographic examination during their treatment in the ho
spital. The investigation revealed one invasive breast cancer. 13 patients
had abnormal mammographic or sonographic findings. Our investigation shows,
that the compliance of the target population for boast cancer screening is
low. Therefore it is necessary to point out the value of breast cancer pre
vention with clinical examination and mammography also for patients treated
in the hospital for an other disease. Every female patient should undergo
breast examination. But early detection of breast cancer before micrometast
ases have occurred is only possible by mammography.