Objectives. This study identified high school seniors at low, moderate, and
high risk for cigarette use to examine changes in the prevalence of daily
smoking within risk groups from 1976 to 1995.
Methods. Data were taken from the Monitoring the Future Project's national
surveys of high school seniors. Risk classification was based on grade-poin
t average, truancy, nights out per week, and religious commitment. Logistic
regression models were used to estimate trends for all seniors and separat
ely for White (n = 244 221), African American (n = 41 005), and Hispanic (n
= 18 457) male and female subgroups.
Results. Risk group distribution (low = 45%, moderate = 30%, high = 25%) ch
anged little over time. Between 1976 and 1990, greater absolute declines in
smoking occurred among high-risk students (17 percentage points) than amon
g low-risk students (6 percentage points). Particularly large declines occu
rred among high-risk African Americans and Hispanics. Smoking increased in
all risk groups in the 1990s.
Conclusions. Among high school seniors, a large part of the overall change
in smoking occurred among high-risk youth. Policies and programs to reduce
smoking among youth must have broad appeal, especially to those at the high
er end of the risk spectrum.