Two atmospheric aldehyde sampling techniques, the impinger method in which
aldehydes are trapped in a 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine acidified acetonitril
e solution, and the method in which aldehydes are captured in 2,4-dinitroph
enylhydrazine acidified coated cartridges commercialised by the WATERS(R),
were compared for blank values, sample preservation, ozone action, and wate
r influence. The two methods were tested in a Paris atmosphere and the infl
uence of a KI ozone scrubber has been evaluated. Except for acetaldehyde an
d benzaldehyde, the two techniques do not give coherent results. When no oz
one scrubber is used, the cartridge technique gives systematically lower va
lues. Bad correlation has been obtained between data with scrubber and data
without scrubber for the impinger technique except for acetaldehyde. For t
he cartridge technique, the correlation is better for all the aldehydes but
higher values are found when a scrubber is used, except for formaldehyde.
Ozone action leads to 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone destruction, but also to f
ormaldehyde 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone formation by reaction between airbor
ne volatile organic compounds and ozone on the cartridge surfaces.