A 5' nuclease assay has been developed to detect viable Listeria monocytoge
nes, The assay targets the hemolysin A (hlyA) transcript, which is found on
ly in L. monocytogenes, The single-tube, reverse transcriptase (RT), fluoro
genic probe-based assay was formatted by using Tth DNA polymerase whose act
ivity was modulated by using the manganese-chelating morpholinepropanesulfo
nic acid (MOPS) buffer. This assay was quantitative over a 3-log-unit range
of template concentrations when tested with an in vitro-transcribed hlyA m
RNA, The viability of L. monocytogenes was reduced by heating at various te
mperatures and times up to a maximum of a 9-D inactivation. The location of
the primer had a pronounced effect on the utility of the assay, and primer
s located in the most distal regions of the hlyA transcript appeared to cor
relate with the number of CPU while primers located more internal an the am
plicon overestimated the cell viability. The assay with primers that includ
ed the 3' end of the transcript was an accurate indicator of viability as m
easured by CFU determination or staining with 5-sulfofluorescein diacetate.