The newborn immune system differs quantitatively and functionally from adul
ts. At birth, the immune system is partially immature, resulting in deficie
ncy in cell-mediated cytolysis, immunoglobulin synthesis and cytokine produ
ction. The most clearly defined deficit in neonatal phagocytosis defenses i
s diminished neurophil storage. T cell function is diminished, including T
cell-mediated cytotoxicity and T cell help, for B cell differentiation. Sel
ective decreases in cytokine production by T cells may contribute to all of
these deficits. One of the fundamental differences between adults and newb
orns for T cell functions resides in whether or not the patient had prior e
xposure to antigens. Significant immune responses to antigens can be obtain
ed in the neonatal period. These response are qualitatively different from
those induced in adults with a predominance of TH2 pattern. (C) 1999 Elsevi
er Paris.