Alterations in the CDKN2a gene have been demonstrated in a wide range of hu
man tumors including hematopoietic malignancies. To verify whether altered
CDKN2a expression is involved in the pathogenesis of mycosis fungoides (MF)
, we examined mRNA expression in 20 patients with MF by RT-PCR and dot blot
hybridization. CDKN2a mRNA expression was undetectable in 5 of the 20 pati
ents (25%), intermediate in 13 (65%) and high in 2 (10%). Immunohistochemic
al studies, which were performed in ten patients, revealed that in the four
patients showing no mRNA, p16(INK4a) was expressed in < 1% of neoplastic l
ymphocytes whereas in the four patients with an intermediate mRNA level, sp
ecific nuclear staining was present in 1-25% of tumor cells. In the two pat
ients with high levels of CDKN2a mRNA, > 25% of neoplastic lymphocytes stai
ned positively. No direct correlation between clinicopathological and molec
ular findings was evident in our patients, DNA mutational analysis revealed
no alterations in a total of six patients examined, Our results indicate t
hat the lack of CDKN2a expression, as found in 25% of the patients, may hav
e a pathogenetic role in MF even though the absence of CDKN2a mRNA was not
associated with point mutations or minor gene deletions.