We estimated annual survival of Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis) in Flor
ida using the Kaplan-Meier estimator with data from 271 radio-tagged birds
over a three-year period and capture-recapture (resighting) models with dat
a from 1,319 banded birds over a six-year period. We tested the hypothesis
that survival differed among three age classes using both data sources. We
tested additional hypotheses about spatial and temporal variation using a c
ombination of data from radio telemetry and single- and multistrata capture
-recapture models. Results from these data sets were similar in their indic
ations of the sources of variation in survival, but they differed in some p
arameter estimates. Both data sources indicated that survival was higher fo
r adults than for juveniles, but they did not support delineation of a suba
dult age class. Our data also indicated that survival differed among years
and regions for juveniles but not for adults. Estimates of juvenile surviva
l using radio telemetry data were higher than estimates using capture-recap
ture models for two of three years (1992 and 1993). Ancillary evidence base
d on censored birds indicated that some mortality of radio-tagged juveniles
went undetected during those years, resulting in biased estimates. Thus, w
e have greater confidence in our estimates of juvenile survival using captu
re-recapture models. Precision of estimates reflected the number of paramet
ers estimated and was surprisingly similar between radio telemetry and sing
le-stratum capture-recapture models, given the substantial differences in s
ample sizes. Not having to estimate resighting probability likely offsets,
to some degree, the smaller sample sizes from our radio telemetry data. Pre
cision of capture-recapture models was lower using multistrata models where
region-specific parameters were estimated than using single-stratum models
, where spatial variation in parameters was not taken into account.