Cannibalistic tendencies are well known in spiders and may be a significant
factor influencing population size. The wolf spider, Pardosa agrestis, is
the dominant non-web-building spider in a wide range of central European ag
ricultural habitats. Preliminary field observations indicated an extended r
eproductive period, which results in a very wide size distribution of juven
ile instars. We hypothesised that if cannibalism is enhanced by differences
in size, especially during periods when prey is scarce, these populations
might be susceptible to cannibalism in an ecologically significant way. Lab
oratory studies were conducted on juvenile P. agrestis in arenas. We analys
ed the following specific aspects of cannibalism: (1) the effect of the wei
ght ratio between the opponents; (2) the effect of weight per se, and (3) t
he role of hunger level in determining cannibalistic tendencies of spiders.
The role of weight and hunger were analysed in separate experiments, in bo
th cases by controlling for the other variable. The results showed that can
nibalism was strongly positively correlated with both weight ratio and hung
er, but absolute size/age of an individual could not predict the occurrence
of a cannibalistic event. These experiments generated the plausible hypoth
esis that cannibalism might be an important phenomenon in the regulation of
real populations, which should be tested specifically in future field expe