R. Boteva et al., Conformational transitions accompanying oligomerization of yeast alcohol oxidase, a peroxisomal flavoenzyme, BIOCHEM, 38(16), 1999, pp. 5034-5044
Alcohol oxidase (AO) is a homo-octameric flavoenzyme which catalyzes methan
ol oxidation in methylotrophic yeasts. AO protein is synthesized in the cyt
osol and subsequently sorted to peroxisomes where the active enzyme is form
ed. To gain further insight in the molecular mechanisms involved in AO acti
vation, we studied spectroscopically native AO from Hansenula polymorpha an
d Pichia pastoris and three putative assembly intermediates. Fluorescence s
tudies revealed that both Trp and FAD are suitable intramolecular markers o
f the conformation and oligomeric state of AO. A direct relationship betwee
n dissociation of AO octamers and increase in Trp fluorescence quantum yiel
d and average fluorescence lifetime was found. The time-resolved fluorescen
ce of the FAD cofactor showed a rapid decay component which reflects dynami
c quenching due to the presence of aromatic amino acids in the FAD-binding
pocket. The analysis of FAD fluorescence lifetime profiles showed a remarka
ble resemblance of pattern for purified AO and AO present in intact yeast c
ells. Native AO contains a high content of ordered secondary structure whic
h was reduced upon FAD-removal. Dissociation of octamers into monomers resu
lted in a conversion of beta-sheets into alpha-helices. Our results are exp
lained in relation to a 3D model of AO, which was built based on the crysta
llographic data of the homologous enzyme glucose oxidase from Aspergillus n
iger. The implications of our results for the current model of the in vivo
AO assembly pathway are discussed.