Neoplasms of the vulva and vagina together account for less than 5% of all
female genital tract cancers, and very few cases have been analyzed using c
hromosome banding techniques. We report the karyotypic findings in a consec
utive series of ten tumors of the vulva and vagina; in addition to five squ
amous cell carcinomas of the vulva, we present the first cytogenetic analys
is of two malignant melanomas and a Paget disease of the vulva, as well as
an adenocarcinoma and a squamous cell hyperplasia of the vagina. Whereas no
clonal karyotypic changes were found in the squamous cell hyperplasia of t
he vagina, the remaining nine malignant tumors showed clonal chromosome abn
ormalities. An inverse cor relation was found between the degree of histolo
gic differentiation and karyotypic complexity in the squamous cell carcinom
as of the vulva. The malignant melanomas had chromosomal aberrations that h
ave previously been described in malignant melanomas occurring elsewhere, b
ur were less karyotypically complex. Cytogenetically unrelated clones were
defected in the Paget disease of the vulva but not in any of the of her tum
ors; this finding is consonant with the interpretation that at least a prop
ortion of Paget disease of the vulva arises multicentrically within the epi
dermis from pluripotent stem cells. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 1999. All ri
ghts reserved.