Background: Although the cessation of smoking reduces the increased risk fo
r ischemic heart disease, it is associated with marked weight gain and pres
umably insulin resistance, both of which heighten the risk of coronary hear
t disease.
Hypothesis: We investigated the isolated effect of nicotine on body weight
and insulin resistance during smoking cessation.
Methods: Eleven healthy, middle-aged heavy smokers were studied. Insulin se
nsitivity was assessed by an insulin-enhanced, frequently sampled intraveno
us glucose tolerance test with minimal model analysis. The subjects were st
udied at baseline (last day of smoking) (phase 1), at the end of the 6-week
nicotine replacement program (phase 2), and after 8 weeks without smoking
or nicotine replacement (phase 3).
Results: The subjects started to gain weight during nicotine replacement (p
hase 2) (0.3 +/- 0.2 kg/week, mean +/- standard deviation) and continued to
do so at a steady rate after nicotine replacement was stopped (0.2 a 0.2 k
g/week) (p = 0.3). Insulin sensitivity decreased by 14 +/- 2.6% luring nico
tine replacement but increased by 16 +/- 5.1% (compared with phase 2) durin
g phase 3, even though the weight gain continued (p = 0.047; 95% confidence
interval: 0.05-5.73).
Conclusions: Smoking cessation is associated with weight gain and improveme
nt in insulin resistance. Nicotine is the main ingredient in cigarette smok
e causing insulin resistance, but the withdrawal of another, unknown ingred
ient in cigarette smoke is responsible for the weight gain associated with
smoking cessation.