Auditory information is relayed from the ventral nucleus of the medial geni
culate complex to a core of three primary or primary-like areas of auditory
cortex that are cochleotopically organized and highly responsive to pure t
ones. Auditory information is then distributed from the core areas to a sur
rounding belt of about seven areas that are less precisely cochleotopic and
generally more responsive to complex stimuli than tones. Recent studies in
dicate that the belt areas relay to the rostral and caudal divisions of a p
arabelt region at a third level of processing in the cortex lateral to the
belt. The parabelt and belt regions have additional inputs from dorsal and
magnocellular divisions of the medial geniculate complex and other parts of
the thalamus. The belt and parabelt regions appear to be concerned with in
tegrative and associative functions involved in pattern perception and obje
ct recognition. The parabelt fields connect with regions of temporal, parie
tal, and frontal cortex that mediate additional auditory functions, includi
ng space perception and auditory memory.