There has been renewed empirical work recently on testing the neoclassical
model of economic growth using data on various groups of countries. But non
e of the cross-country regressions includes China, the largest developing e
conomy in the world. This study utilises both cross-sectional and panel dat
a on provinces of China over the reform period 1978-1995 to examine the ext
ent to which the growth process in this country can be explained by the aug
mented Solow-Swan model. We found that in spite of restrictive assumptions
used, the model provides a fairly good description of cross-sectional data.
The levels and growth rates of GDP per capita are shown to be higher in re
gional economies with lower population growth, greater openness to foreign
countries and more investment in physical and human capital. In addition, r
egional economies are shown to converge both conditionally and unconditiona
lly over the reform period. However, the quantitative implications of the a
ugmented Solow-Swan model are not borne out in panel data. JEL classificati
on: 040, C21, C23.