The project addresses the problem of pre-disaster orientation: hazard predi
ction, risk assessment, and hazard mapping, in connection with seismic acti
vity and man-induced vibrations. The definition of realistic seismic input
carl be obtained from the complication of a wide set of time histories and
spectral information, corresponding to possible seismotectonic scenarios fo
r different source and structural models. The availability of realistic num
erical simulations enables Its to estimate the amplification effects in com
plex structures exploiting the available geotechnical, lithological, geophy
sical parameters, topography of the medium, tectonic, historical, palaeosei
smological data, and seismotectonic models. The realistic modeling of the g
round motion is a very important base of knowledge for the preparation of g
roundshaking scenarios that represent a valid and economic tool for seismic
microzonation. This knowledge cart be very fruitfully used by civil engine
ers iii the design of new seismo-resistant constructions and irt the reinfo
rcement of the existing built environment, and, therefore, supplies a parti
cularly powerful tool for the prevention aspects of Civil Defense. At prese
nt, the project is active in Antananarivo, Bangalore, Beijing, Bucharest, B
udapest, Cairo, Catania, Damascus, Delhi, Kathamandu, Ljubljana, Mexicali,
Mexico City; Naples, Rome, Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Cuba, Silistra, S
ofia, Thessaloniki, Tijuana and Zagreb.