This pilot study investigated the frequency, cause and progress of abnormal
liver function tests (LFTs) in severe anorexia nervosa. Six consecutive ca
ses of anorexia nervosa severe enough to require hospital admission and 14
outpatients with anorexia nervosa had LFTs performed. All inpatients had ab
normal LFTs, with grossly elevated liver enzymes in four patients. All norm
alized quickly with weight gain apart from one whose alanine transaminase (
ALT) remained slightly elevated. Investigations failed to reveal any other
cause of liver disease. ALT values were slightly elevated in three outpatie
nts. Abnormal LFTs occur in some patients with anorexia nervosa. Most resol
ve quickly and are not associated with hepatic failure. A larger study is r
equired to determine the frequency of occurrence, cause and natural history
. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Associatio