Objective: To examine the drug prescription pattern in Danish women from 12
weeks prior to conception until 12 weeks post-partum.
Method: A drug utilization study based on The North Jutland Prescription Da
tabase. The Danish pharmacies use a computerized accounting system for all
subsidized drugs and this was linked to the Danish Medical Birth Registry c
oncerning prescription patterns for all women who had given birth in the co
unty of North Jutland from 1991 to 1996.
Results. The analysis included 16 001 primiparous women, who had redeemed 3
4 834 prescriptions prior to, during and after pregnancy. During pregnancy
44.2% of the women received prescriptions for at least one drug, Users rece
ived 2.6 prescriptions on average during pregnancy; 5% of the users redeeme
d 24.2% of all prescriptions. The proportion of women who redeemed prescrip
tions for more than three different drugs was 2.7%. The majority of prescri
ptions were for antibiotics (28.7%), gynaecological drugs (13.3%) and anti-
asthma drugs (7.6%). The post-partum prescription proportion was 34.0% and
the majority of the prescriptions during this period were for penicillins (
20.1%), opthalmologicals (15.5%) and corticosteroids for dermatological use
Conclusion: A high proportion of the women received drugs during pregnancy.
The pattern of drug use within the Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical (ATC)
groups changed, i.e. the amount of broad spectrum antibiotics decreased an
d the proportion of prescriptions for local use increased. A small proporti
on of women redeemed prescriptions for more than three different drugs duri
ng pregnancy.