In the Maghreb, the southern border of the Kabylie (Algeria) mountains is c
onsidered as an aseismic region. The detailed study of the historical seism
icity of this region shows moderate seismic activity (M-1 = 5.0) which is n
ot coherent with the observed tectonic deformations. However, an analysis o
f the morphology on Landsat image, aerial photos and the topography shows Q
uaternary deformations in the southern side of the "Kabylie massifs" (Alger
ia). These deformations are interpreted as reactivation of Miocene thrust f
aults. The tectonic Quaternary scarps are more spectacular in the Bouira an
d Tazmalt region and might be associated with successive strong earthquakes
(M = 7.0). Therefore, this major active thrust fault observed in this regi
on, as in many intraplate regions, poses the problem of the long return per
iod of seismic activity in this zone. (C) Elsevier, Paris.